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Listen to the amphibian - click the - RIBIT 

 Check links page for other sites with  more information and studies. 

To find more help with identification - Google or Yahoo scientific name for images. 

List of Tucson area frogs and toads in descending order from most prominent:




Uncommon to Tucson basin proper but will be found in and around the mountains:



Rarer: although becoming more prevalent according to the study 






Introduced species THE BAD for Tucson Basin wildlife

Another excellent list with great identification images- Tucson Herpetological Society List

Most photos are of Tucson frogs and toads - LizardTracks Pub. many courtesy USGS, others noted.

For more frog/toad sound you really need to go to: CaliforniaHerps.com/sounds

Links used: all really good






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